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This program is all about releasing anything we no longer want or need and having the tools, motivation and energy to succeed at our goals and live the life we desire.


This program is for you if;

- you don't want to repeat past stress and trauma 

- you want to feel the momentuem of getting to your intentions and goals easily and effortlessly 

- you want to learn the tools to succeed at your goals and eliminate the forward, backwards motion of getting to goals

- you just want to get to your goals without all the doubt, hassle and roadblocks that you may have experienced in the past.


We store stress and trauma and if we don't release it we are unlikely to succeed at moving forward, making changes and living the life we want. We have all had times where we worked towards change or a goal only to find we get halfway there and end back where we were to begin with. That's because you haven't released what is holding you back!


We have to work with the mind, body and soul to release what we don't want and access what we do want. This can be true for any goal, whether it be physical or emotional. If you want to gain something in life or feel better within yourself, it doesn't have to be hard. You just have to have the right tools and work on mind, body and soul to get there. That's what this program will give you! 


We want to share our learnings on how to release and get you to your goals easily and effectively. 


In this program you will gain;

- 4x Specialised yoga sessions with Ally Robinson that will help to release any stored stress and trauma in the body and nervous system.

- 2x RTT hypnosis session 

- Processes to help you discover exactly what you want so you can set clear intentions and goals.

- Easy and effective mindset tools to not only help you release what you no longer need or want but to build confidence and motivation to bring in your intentions and goals.

- Lots of coaching! We are offering you loads of support within this program to help you to use the tools and get you to your goals. 


We are planning to give you so much content and tools you will absolutely be blown away by the support! These tools you can use now and in the future so it is a great investment in to your personal growth.


This program will be online. All content is delivered over 8 weeks and is self paced and easy for you to access. There are limited spaces on this program so please contact I CAN Feel Good Therapy to be added to the waitlist.  Program commences June 2024!


$550 for the full online program. Payment plans are available.


Please note:

*It is not recommended that people who have a diagnoses of epilepsy or have experienced psychosis use hypnosis. You are welcome to participate in all other components of the program but please speak with your medical practitioner before undertaking any hypnosis offered within the program.

*The program fee will not be reimbursed for failure to attend or participate within the program timelines.

Release and Reset 2024

Excluding Sales Tax

    Contact us

    Programs and services available online and face to face. Contact Mandy for further details.


    Tel: 61+ 497 216 133


    Thank you for contacting I CAN Feel Good Therapy.

    Mandy will be in contact with you shortly.

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